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Justin Forth

Justin serves as a Sr. Applications Engineer at THM. Along with those responsibilities, Justin also handles much of the marketing.
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Recent Posts

Fired Heater Emissions - A Case Study

We just got back from our annual trip to GPA Midstream Conference. This year it was in Austin, TX and it was a great event. Several very good presentations, a lot of networking opportunities, and yes, a little time for some fun.

THM Web Wednesday - August 24, 2016


Tulsa Heaters Midstream is focused on providing useful and informative content to our customers, suppliers, and anyone else that wants to follow ...

THM Web Wednesday - August 3, 2016


Tulsa Heaters Midstream is focused on providing useful and informative content to our customers, suppliers, and anyone else that wants to follow ...

THM Web Wednesday - July 6, 2016


Tulsa Heaters Midstream is focused on providing useful and informative content to our customers, suppliers, and anyone else that wants to follow ...

THM Web Wednesday - June 30, 2016


Tulsa Heaters Midstream is focused on providing useful and informative content to our customers, suppliers, and anyone else that wants to follow ...

THM Web Wednesday - June 15, 2016


Tulsa Heaters Midstream is focused on providing useful and informative content to our customers, suppliers, and anyone else that wants to follow ...

THM Web Wednesday - June 8, 2016


Tulsa Heaters Midstream is focused on providing useful and informative content to our customers, suppliers, and anyone else that wants to follow ...

Fired Heaters 101 Course

Did you know that THM offers a 2-day Heater School, geared to help teach attendees detail design information on fired heaters and other heater related components? The Heater School is a great way to get in depth ...

THM Web Wednesday - June 1, 2016


Tulsa Heaters Midstream is focused on providing useful and informative content to our customers, suppliers, and anyone else that wants to follow ...

THM Web Wednesday - May 25, 2016


Tulsa Heaters Midstream is focused on providing useful and informative content to our customers, suppliers, and anyone else that wants to follow ...